Back/neck and shoulder discomfort can be common in this modern world – in particular for those who spend a lot of time at a desk, carrying little ones, or driving – or those of us who might be carrying a heavy emotional load too, for any unique reason.
I am often asked how to ‘stretch’ out a tender back. And while I can offer a range of stretch options, I have to admit, there is no one movement that will better support your body in the long run.
And although it may feel tempting to stretch away back pain, it is just as important that we consider what we need to strengthen in order to better support our body as a whole, which Barre Base Anywhere classes do so well.
Our classes are dynamic. We bend, stretch, and strengthen our bodies in all directions, ensuring that we can better adapt to the movements of life.
Stretching can certainly help to improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension, but strength work must be prioritised for longevity!
So that is why we’re running a 7-Day Posture Series.
This series offers 7 classes to help you strengthen your body, in a holistic way.
We will look at how whole-body strength work can help improve posture and reduce imbalances, helping our bodies to function and move well in all manners of shapes and directions.
This series will be live from May 22nd. I can't wait to share it with you.
Why should strength work trump stretching?
Well, when the body is strong, we are less likely to slip into compensatory habits, which can result in pain or injury.
Through these classes (like with our entire platform), you will target core muscles, build strong glutes that will better support your pelvis, improve posture, increase muscle endurance, and improve bone density, all of which give your body a better chance of moving well and living pain-free.
Plus, simply the act of giving yourself 20-30 minutes to take a deep breath and be present in your body can truly make the world of difference when it comes to feeling at ease in your body.
A note on pain
Pain is complex and different for each of us, and there is never one layer, reason or resolution. Even more complex is that pain is felt in the body but created in the brain, which prompts us to look deeper than just physical sensations and therefore shift further than just 'this exercise or position will help.'
What I've learnt is that to put more distance between yourself and pain requires time and loving devotion to that process, it also requires a balanced approach to all aspects of your life.
My goal through my classes is to help you get your nervous system feeling as safe as possible (as often as possible). Aim to move with someone who doesn't claim to have the answers, but empathises with you and encourages you to continue the work.
You have got this.
If you'd like to join us, please join our 7-day free trial at www.barrebaseanywhere.co.nz
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